About Your Yard Solutions

Since 2010, Your Yard Solutions has been providing high-quality, zero maintenance fencing and project solutions to numerous customers in Saskatchewan. The family-owned company is managed by Rob Dusener, whose expertise in the area of vinyl fence supply and installation is a tremendous asset to his customers. There is no fence project that is too large or too small. Our customers range from residential home owners to home builders and condominium developers. Over the years, Your Yard Solutions has grown progressively by attracting top fence installation technicians and using the highest quality materials. This allows us to maintain our dedication to excellence which has been the foundation of the company’s reputation.


Our Mission

Delivering high-quality and cost-effective projects on schedule is one of our goals. Our team is focused, motivated, and flexible. We value the importance of our relationships and will always remain fair and true in our dealings with all clients, employees, partners, and vendors.


Our Vision For The Future

We seek to accomplish being the fence Contractor of choice. To  be an efficient Fencing Contractor working in an ethical and balanced manner.

What makes us stand out?

Product features & character traits


Customer Service




Colour Lock

Your Yard Solutions takes pride in providing premium fencing products every home that needs one. Our staff will treat your project like it’s their own. You don’t have to worry a single second while we give your home a beautiful and strong vinyl fence. Entrusting your fencing needs to us is never a wrong idea.